Nos produits sont intégrés avec le réseau Peppol et totalement en règle avec la législation Belge liée à la facturation électronique.

Hiflow is suitable for many businesses and the Boulangerie Walgraffe bakery is proof. Indeed, Boulangerie Walgraffe wished to offer its customers the possibility of ordering on-line while allowing it to use simple invoicing software and permitting exporting to its accounting software.

Thanks to Hiflow, Boulangerie Walgraffe can:

  • Provide its customers with a simple and user-friendly ordering interface.
  • Receive orders from its customers.
  • Provide its workshop with an automatically generated worksheet.
  • Invoice orders that are placed in just a few clicks.
  • Export its invoices to accounting software.

Ils nous font confiance


HD Metal

Jacques & Associés


Go Sport




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